Business Statistics and Data analysis can be as challenging for experts as it can be for students. While some of the subject matters may seem like ancient history in human brain, you also want to enable the student to do their homework for themselves. So how do you navigate this tricky path of helping with homework, but not helping too much?

The topic of homework is a contentious one in the modern schooling system. Indeed, the amount of homework students get has gone up and down over the years and depends on everything from a specific university to a range of universities that share the same policies and beliefs.

In some scenarios, students argue that that they are given too much homework which overwhelms them and limits their ability to learn the things they need to learn the most. The argue that they are tired enough from a full day of studying, without having yet more work to do when they finish. They also believe that students should have time to pursue other hobbies and activities in their spare time, and not only have to focus on formal education. Some stressed and overworked teachers would agree, as the burden on them having to grade homework increases as the amount of homework itself becomes more.

There are two approaches for doing business statistics and data analysis for students, first doing business statistics using R programming language and R studio, while the second method is using python functions and libraries.

R for Business Statistics and Data Analysis

R programming language is defined as an integrated set of statistical and mathematical functions aimed at facilitating data processing, especially large data, and facilitating the illustration of results in the form of graphics and statistical data. R is a programming language that includes an open-source statistical library with wide functions, the most important of which is the ability to add and program many new statistical functions and associations and add them to the library. There’re many statistical and mathematical packages available for R writers, making this language a pioneer in data analysis.

R as a programming language invented by Ross Ihaka and Robert, and then the program and language development process expanded to include the effort of many scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians under the umbrella of the R development Core team at Bell Labs.

Python for Business Statistics and Data Analysis

The biggest advantage of Python is the ease of learning. Many students who have studied Java and other programming languages know that the syntax of Python is much simpler, and the code is easy to read and write, which is best suited for beginners who are just starting to learn. When we process data, we generally hope that it will be converted into an operable digital form, so that no one who has not learned programming or has learned to code, can understand this data.

Python is relatively popular in business data analysis and data visualization. Python has many libraries like numpy, matplotlib, scikit-learn, pandas, and ipython that can be used for analyzing small to large-sized data.

Which should we choose for business statistics?

While python is popular due to it’s remarkable ease of use and readability, R was originally developed for statistical analysis offering great accuracy and outstanding results. Therefore, we strongly recommend R programming language to all students for business statistics to generate accurate and reliable results.

Have a Set Study Pattern

The best way you can enable a student to get their homework done is to establish a great homework routine. This involves having a quiet study area that is conducive to staying focused, so ensure this is a place with no TV or other distractions. Having a set time of day for homework is really helpful too. See what works best for you, getting home from school, having a snack and then settling down to homework works for many. These are all great ways to get into a pattern of doing their homework efficiently.

Consider Tutoring

Employing a tutor to help with specific subjects is an excellent way to save you time to focus on learning the things that matters to you. Getting a little extra help with certain subject areas can help a student confidence immensely. It can also help them do their homework a lot quicker in the long run, once they have gotten to grips with certain concepts they may be struggling with. If you present the idea of tutoring to a student in this way, they should be more receptive about it and feel more positively about the idea. For example, it may be on an occasion that you need statistics homework help or support in programming tasks. If these aren’t areas of your own expertise as a student, tutoring for specific subjects might be a good option for you.


While tutoring and getting homework help can boost your confidence and help you learn in a more effective way saving you from wasting hours in figuring a solution and reinventing the wheel, staying motivated and having a high self-esteem is vital for success.

Encouraging other students and helping them in thinking positively does not only make them more efficient, but it also impacts your self-esteem as well.