History of Worker Safety

This article covers a few aspects of the history of worker safety from the 1800s to today. Let’s start with how dangerous things were for the working class back then. Life was hard, if you lived in the United Kingdom around the year 1900, you would have worked a 12-hour day 6 days a week…

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The Importance of Friendships for Mental Health

Since antiquity, we have known that friendship and companionship have been essential ingredients for human health and happiness. Humans are intensely social creatures – In fact, research has shown that the quality of our relationships is a better predictor of health and longevity than our biological makeup. So it’s imperative to build and nurture the…

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Digitization of Medical Information

The digitization of medical information holds enormous potential for the study and treatment of disease. When combined with modern AI algorithms, the data can be used to uncover new disease mechanisms and to create effective treatments. There is, however, a need for careful security measures to protect this data from unauthorized access and to protect…

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Specialization and Economic Dependence

One of the most famous concepts in modern economics is that of specialization – the process of concentrating your efforts on what you do best, and paying someone else to do other tasks that they can do more efficiently than you. This is a powerful concept that has been responsible for some of the biggest…

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Image Optimization: Traditional and Machine Learning Techniques

What Is Image Optimization and Why Is It Important? Image optimization is the process of providing high-quality images in the correct format, size, size, and resolution while bringing file size to a minimum. There are two primary benefits of optimizing images on a website: improving page load speed, which impacts user experience, and improved search…

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Democratizing business

Throughout most of recent history, businesses were either small, locally run shops like bakers, joiners and tailors. Or, they were large and long-lived multi-generational companies, passed down (usually) from father to son. The bar to start a business was extremely high, and in many ways, it still is. However, the internet has lowered that bar…

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Breaking the Bubble: The Importance of Consuming Varied Content

Youtube, Netflix, Spotify – these are names we are all familiar with, but we often don’t stop to think how much the existence of this type of on-demand media has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives. We can now watch and listen to essentially unlimited content tailored to our specific interests. In this…

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Regulation needs to keep up

Regulation is when a government body or local authority acts in the interest of the people, to prevent private interests from causing harm to the public, the environment, to the economy, or to other corporations.  In this article, we first explore older examples of regulation, and then examples of newer challenges that regulation is not…

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Freelancing: Tips For Finding Creative Work During a Pandemic

On a recent panel, Shutterstock’s creative director, Flo Lau, summed up her field’s reaction to the virus, saying everyone must “scramble and find alternative ways to get things done in this new normal.” It is in the new normal that cracks are opening for outsiders to show their talents and gain fair remuneration for their…

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The Benefits of Distributed E-Commerce Over Mega-Platforms

If you ask someone where to buy something online these days, their first response might be “Amazon.” But is it really the best market? With the way that e-commerce is growing, it may be time to fall away from shopping on mega-platforms. Distributed e-commerce platforms have become popular during the last five years and it’s…

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