Obtaining your concealed carry permit is no simple matter. It requires hours of education and paperwork and comes with a huge responsibility. Not everyone is up for this task, but those who are should know what it means to own a concealed carry permit. Likewise, preparing for your concealed carry permit is just as important as owning one.
A concealed carry permit allows someone to carry a gun in public, as long as it remains hidden. However, the permit has strict limitations on the types of firearms and their use cases allowed.
People have several reasons for obtaining a concealed carry permit. Whether it be for personal protection, ideological, or just a hobby, having a concealed carry permit automatically shifts your role in society. For this reason, it’s imperative to educate yourself before obtaining one, beyond just passing the exam.
Reasons for having a concealed carry permit
Not many people understand the appeal of having a concealed carry permit and owning a gun. But there are many valid reasons for having them. Arguably the most important and widely adopted use case is simply for personal protection in all its forms.
Self-defense is a fundamental legal right in a society that allows someone to protect themselves if they genuinely feel their lives are in jeopardy. People are often unpredictable and physical assaults can happen at random. Moreover, the U.S. constitution has language expressing the right for citizens to bear arms in the Second Amendment. As a result, the U.S. has varying concealed carry laws depending on the state.
Some people carry guns around with them as a means to exercise their Second Amendment rights. Exercising your constitutional rights is common amongst many groups. It is believed that doing so is a reminder to the masses of their rights in the event that there’s a government intervention of some sort.
More commonly, people will acquire a concealed carry permit as a means of protection. Someone who is disabled, for example, may carry a handgun with them if they know they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves physically. Or maybe you have a family you are trying to protect while out in public, or you’ve been attacked in the past and want to have protection if it happens again.
Physical self-defense techniques, such as martial arts, are the safer, less lethal way to defend yourself. But those same physical techniques may be insufficient in certain situations. This is another reason why someone would acquire a concealed carry permit. Furthermore, self-defense laws often include the right to defend someone else if they are in danger. Throughout history, there have been countless incidents where someone with a concealed handgun has prevented heinous crimes from occurring or escalating.
Owning a firearm and carrying it in public for defense purposes comes with a huge responsibility. It would be best if you wanted a concealed carry permit for the right reasons. Educating yourself on everything surrounding concealed carry laws, safety, and precautions are paramount.
Education is key
To obtain a concealed carry permit, there are a few steps you would need to take. The first is understanding state requirements. As mentioned before, self-defense and concealed carry laws vary from state to state, so this is something to consider if you cross borders often. You will also need to take a course, complete an application, and keep your permit current through renewals and ongoing training.
At some point, you will need to take a CCW (concealed weapon) exam before getting your permit. It’s pretty simple to find somewhere to take courses before the exam. Just google locations near you and make sure the ratings and reviews are okay. Major cities usually have a handful of places within proximity of each other. Sites like the United States Concealed Carry Academy (USCCA) are great all-around resources too.
Depending on the state, you might also need to take part in actual training in firearm use. Still, even if your state does not require it, it is highly recommended to undergo hands-on training. Also, you should supplement the knowledge you learn in your CCW course with any information they may not have taught you. This could include state laws, situation-reality training, and more.
It’s one thing to know the basics of firearm use and regulations. But there is much more to being a concealed carry owner. People who purchase firearms for personal protection will need to know gun maintenance and holstering skills. They’ll need to understand gun safety and will need to learn marksmanship. Additionally, those who may be more in a “protector” role should know conflict avoidance and mindset training. Carrying a firearm does not mean you should be looking for opportunities for vigilantism. Separating empowerment from precaution is critical.
Regardless of intent, it may help to look into concealed carry insurance as well. If you ever do find yourself in a situation where you need to use your firearm in self-defense, there will likely be a legal process involved. Even if you are on the right side of the law, there will likely be court fees and lawyer fees to pay. Concealed carry insurance can cover some, if not all of that.
Do not take acquiring a concealed carry permit lightly. Firearms can be dangerous, even if you aren’t actively using them. It is up to you to fully understand your responsibility while carrying a firearm in public. Explore all resources available to you and strongly consider educating yourself outside of the standard permit process.